
Aerial Hoop

I have a portable frame for aerial hoop. I will just need a 9sqm space with 3.5m height. Everything else I can provide.

Aerial hoop performances are perfect for festivals, weddings, celebrations and parties, conferences and most events. With enough notice it may be possible for you to send me a specific choice of music which I can perform to, making your event as special as possible.

Aerial Silks

My portable frame is not large enough for high drops etc but I can provide basic routines. Or if you have the rigging for aerial equipment at your event then I can bring the silks. (I do ask that the rigging has been checked by a certified professional to ensure my own safety and the safety of everyone present.)

Aerial silks are a fantastic accompaniment to any party or event.

Flow Arts

My hula hoop or fan act can be booked as a walk-about addition adding colour and excitement to your event. I can also offer an LED hula hoop performance, perfect for evening bookings. Guests can watch hula hoop, fan tricks and flow as they enjoy the function.


Why Rococo Circus?

I have built lasting relationships with a range of professionals and fellow students, collaborating in many different disciplines.  I have had experience leading workshops and parties very successfully with many positive client reviews from parents and professionals.

Let's Bring Circus
Into Your Life